Man, it's been a long time since I last posted. Feels good to be back. To start, let's keep this one simple. Here are a few pics of the new cabin that we moved into two weeks ago. It is a substantial improvement from our previous place, for a couple of reasons...

First, check out the window upstairs. Custom made and perfect for aurora watching while lying in bed. Really amazing!

Second, we have upgraded from a pretty horrible outhouse situation at the old place to a composting toilet at the new place. No more running outside in your boxers at 4o below in the middle of the night. In short, you take care of your business, you toss in a scoop of the magic woodchip/microbe mixture, and you're good to go. No problem.

Finally, we fell prey to an unbelievable sale at the local furniture retailer, where we bought this new RED couch and coffee table.
Bonus perk (not pictured here): Gravity-fed water through a faucet! No more cheap blue 5 gallon jugs taking up counter space. Life is good!