Well, as many of you may have heard, Freya had an accident last weekend. In short, she was hit by a truck on Murphy Dome Rd outside of our cabin...well actually, it was more like Freya struck the truck. Chrissy and I were getting ready to go grocery shopping and we called Freya to come back to the cabin so we could put her on the line while we were gone. She had apparently travelled across the road to see what was on the other side. When she heard our calls, she ran out onto the road and into the back side of a large pickup. We never really taught her the whole "looking both ways before you cross" thing. Immediately she started crying uncontrollably (easily the worst sound you could ever imagine). We managed to get her in the truck and off to the after hours vet.
After a couple of hours at the vet (a cat had swallowed a ribbon which needed to be extracted and held us up) and numerous x-rays, it was determined that Freya had dislocated her shoulder. Apparently there are four ways a dog can dislocate its shoulder, and three of those ways require surgery. Luckily, Freya's dislocation was the fourth (and cheaper!) way. The knocked her out with some heavy drugs, placed the shoulder back in its joint, and put on a stylish purple sling:

She doesn't normally look this unhappy--it's mainly because I'm forcing her to pose for this picture.
It's been a week now and she seems to be getting better and better each day. She can walk and (sort of) run, although we're trying to minimize movement for the next couple of weeks.
Thanks so much to everyone who called, concerned about our puppy! I'll keep you posted as the healing continues.